Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sat words that come in your collegeboart SAT exams

Collegeboard is no idiot to repeat the same difficult words on SAT exams every time. The most difficult ones on one year say 2009 will not come in 2010. However there are common words that appear every once in a while in the real SAT. I do not understand why they are repeated? Might be that the test makers think they are no big deal or they just are so common to them that they do not even hesitate to remove them. What ever the reality might be, for an average guy those words might improve their score in critical reading by 50 or 60 may be.

If you are that average 'Joe' , (the word Joe is quite familiar to those of you who have done princeton sat ) these words may mean a lot to you. And even for the 2400 sat guys these words may help in some way or the other.

There are many sat prep courses or say books in the market that may overwhelm you. Just don't stick with one book say barron's or princeton's or collegeboard. Every books have a little more to give. If you can't afford to buy all of those just stick with this blog for further posts where i will be writing more about the little secrets given in the books.

For know just have a look at this list of the most common sat words. The number in the side shows the number of times it has appeared in the latest SAT exams.

abolish 2
abridge 2
accent 1
accented 1
accolade 2
acquiesce 2
affirmation 2
amass 2
ambivalence 1
ambivalent 1
ambulatory 2
ameliorate 2
amity 2
anchor 2
antediluvian 2
ascendancy 2
atrophy 2
bane 1
baneful 1
bizarre 2
blunder 2
bungle 2
burgeon 2
capitulate 1
capitulation 1
capricious 4
clemency 2
coalesce 2
coalescence 1
cohere 1
coherent 1
compress 1
compression 1
confide 1
confidential 1
confound 2
congeal 2
contaminant 1
contaminate 2
converge 2
convivial 2
copious 2
corroborate 2
corrugated 2
corrupt 1
corruption 1
cursory 2
daunt 3
dauntless 1
debilitate 2
deplete 2
discrepancy 3
disentangle 2
disputatious 1
dispute 2
distend 1
distention 1
drawback 2
efface 3
effervesce 1
effervescent 1
enhance 2
enigmatic 2
ephemeral 3
equilibrium 3
euphonious 1
euphony 1
evacuate 2
evanescent 2
expedite 1
expeditious 1
expendable 1
expenditures 1
exclude 2
facilitate 2
fallow 2
fertile 2
flourish 3
flower 1
fraudulent 3
fruitful 1
fruitless 1
garner 2
guile 2
hackneyed 2
hefty 2
hideous 2
hilarity 2
humane 2
hypocrisy 1
hypocritical 1
innocuous 2
irascible 2
jettison 2
kindle 2
leniency 1
lenient 1
levity 1
levitate 1
listless 2
maladroit 2
mitigate 2
mobile 2
munificent 2
munificence 1
myriad 2
nefarious 2
obscure 1
obscurity 1
opaque 1
opacity 1
parsimony 2
paucity 2
penury 2
peripheral 2
periphery 2
placate 2
precise 1
precision 1
premature 2
premeditated 2
prevalent 2
proclivity 2
prodigal 1
prodigious 2
profuse 1
profusion 2
pulverize 1
pulverized 1
rant 2
recalcitrant 2
recant 2
replete 2
rescind 2
reserve 2
ruffle 2
rupture 2
saccharine 2
salubrious 2
somber 4
specify 1
specificity 1
spurn 2
squander 2
stymie 2
subtle 2
summary 2
summon 3
sumptuous 2
surreptitious 1
surreptitiously 1
tantamount 2
tenacious 1
tenacity 1
transience 1
transient 1
turbulence 3
venturesome 3
viable 2
vibrancy 1
vibrant 1
vilification 2
virulence 1
virulent 1
whet 2
zany 2


XxSftxX said...

Thank you for your help!

I will try my best to try to score higher since my tests are extremely low and awful.

One of the reasons why is because I keep spelling "awful" incorrectly :(

My reading is fast but there is a flaw to it: I do not remember the important details!

Thank you for your list, but can you make another one for this year?

Thank you very much!

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